Let's just put this out there. This sack of flour cost me a whooping $10 at Whole Foods. For that price I was expecting a lot. My thought process was "Okay no bean flour - whoever the hell thinks celiacs LOVE bean flour is sadly mistaken. Guess what people hate? The taste of beans coming through a cupcake....hey look this has no bean flour and at this price there is no way this sucks."
I'd also like to say that this was also in a slight moment of desperation. I was baking a big fancy German Chocolate cake for my Mother's birthday and everyone would be eating this cake. So again, I had some high expectations.
The cake did come out super moist which was awesome. The cake also rose beautifully - just like a wheat cake. The taste was okay. The flour left a bit of an aftertaste in the cake. I did use the flour again a few weeks later to make a pizza crust and again the taste of the flour was really strong, I think it was the arrowroot flour.
Verdict? Not the worst GF flour I've ever used but I think it's actually one of the best - which really isn't saying that much. However I doubt I will spend the $10 on another sack of it.
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