Monday, May 30, 2011

French Meadow Gluten Free Chocolate Cupcakes

These were conveniently located in my grocer's freezer when a serious cupcake attack hit. I grabbed them and prayed a silent prayer to the GF Gods hoping that they would be even halfway as good as Whole Foods Chocolate Cupcakes.

And you know what? They were halfway as good as Whole Foods cupcakes. The cake was a kind of dry and a little crumbly like most GF baked goods but the frosting was two thumbs up. I ended up eating the frosting off of two cupcakes and discarding the cake. I think had I not already had a cupcake from Whole Foods this might have gotten a little more love for me. Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with French Meadow cupcakes - its assert itself in the exact same manner as more GF cupcakes but somehow it just seems wrong after having a moist cup of lusciousness.

While I have you - may I step upon my soapbox? (I'm assuming you said yes). With a product like Whole Foods chocolate cupcakes out kicking ass why can't other GF manufacturers step it up? Clearly the ingredients exist or else Whole Foods wouldn't be able to make a moist cake. It's not like they are adding some magic ingredient like ground up unicorn - their price points are the same and I imagine unicorn is expensive.

Verdict? Yummy-Light - the frosting is awesome but the cake leaves much to be desired.

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