Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lucy's Cinnamon Thin Gluten Free Cookies

Let's be honest.

The only reason I picked up this box is because 1) it's pink and 2) its adorable. That Dr. Lucy knows exactly what's she's doing :)

I put the box in my cart because of Dr. Lucy's "bio" on the back of the box. She's just a mom (and an MD) with a kid with a severe allergies. Tired of all the bad tasting gluten free food out there she decided to make her own tasty cookies. Definitely something I can get behind. Plus Jules was just a woman who decided she was tired of bad tasting flour mixes and her flour mix rocks. So really? Dr. Lucy had my vote.

When I got home I checked out the ingredient list. I'm always curious what blend of flours people use - its weird but I think its interesting. Lucy's uses bean flours - which had I noticed at the store I may not have purchased the cookies since I normally do not like the outcome of bean flour. I was now extremely skeptical and Lucy's needed to win me over - since as we all know my opinion and will is what makes or breaks a company /sarcasm.

I held my breath and tasted. It tasted...good. Lucy's also used gluten free oat flour which I think hides the bean flour flavors. The cookie taste like something I ate gluten full but I can't place it. The flavor is good in the cookie and I really like the cinnamon taste. They are light and crispy and I imagine I will be enjoying them again with a nice cuppa.

Verdict? Yummy!

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